

Septoplasty is a reconstructive surgery performed to straighten a deviated nasal septum./p>

The septum acts as a dividing wall between the two nostrils. Deviations in the septum may develop as a part of the normal growth process during childhood and puberty. The deviation can also be present at birth or can be caused from injury to the nose.

Patients with a deviated septum often complain about breathing difficulties and repeated sinus infections.


Septoplasty surgery is performed on an outpatient basis under general or local anesthesia. The surgery involves removing or readjusting deviated portions of the septum for improved breathing. During this surgery, the surgeon makes an incision on the inside of either nostril. This is followed by separation of the mucosal lining of the septum from the underlying cartilage. The surgeon then proceeds to straighten the deviation, taking care to remove any excess bone or cartilage and finally, replaces the mucosa over the cartilage and bone. The incision is closed with absorbable stitches.

Risks And Complications

As with all surgical procedures, there are some potential risks associated with septoplasty.

There may be some bleeding in the first few days following surgery. The nose, eyelids, and upper lip might appear bruised and swollen. You may also experience numbness in the facial region. All these issues should resolve in a few days, except for the numbness at the tip of the nose. It may take several months to recover feeling at the extremity of the nose.